Thursday, April 29, 2021

Day 29 – Poem in Your Pocket Day for “30 poems in 30 days” for #NationalPoetryMonth

Today is “National Poem in Your Pocket Day.”  Fun stuff and we will be celebrating it by choosing a poem and carrying it with you today and sharing it with others any way you wish.

And I think it would be AWESOME if the poem you choose is one that YOU wrote! But, any poem is just fine.

One of the easiest ways to celebrate is via social media using this hash-tag: #pocketpoem. So, I think you should pick one of your own original poems or find a poem you like . . . you can even make copies of it to hand out or just one copy that you carry around all day and hopefully share with others.

I’d like to share a poem about this day written by one of our regular participants in my April Poetry Month Challenge. It’s a great little poem and I share it here with her permission:


Poem in Your Pocket Day


Take some time on this very special day
To find a favorite poem for a fun holiday
It may be one that makes you laugh or smile
Or even one that makes you think a while
It can be one you've written yourself
Or one you find upon a Library shelf
Just keep it with you throughout the day
Then share with those who come your way.


© 2017 Vicki Firth

 So, that’s pretty much it for today – Enjoy!!!!

Here’s a link from the “National Poetry Month” website all about “Poem in Your Pocket Day”


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Day 29-Poem in My Pocket

Poems are like photographs
They each paint a picture
They can be beautiful or tragic
But that’s how life is, and we live it anyway.
Poetry and photographs are art
Art helps us to feel emotions
Let your emotions soar!