Thursday, April 14, 2016

Day 14 ~ “All About Me Poem” for “30 Poems in 30 Days” #NationalPoetryMonth

All About Me Poem ~ a mini autobiographical poem

Here’s a fun little poem I think you will enjoy – I do believe poetry comes from the heart – but there is more than one way to reach into your heart. Questioning is always helpful in finding things out. Sometimes, when we answer questions, we find things out about ourselves we had not given much thought to before. So, this poem is called "All About Me" ~ just answer the questions and voila’ ~ you've created a poem!! Pretty cool and tonz’ of fun, especially with kids.

The “All About Me” poem can be deep and insightful or fun and silly. You can do it over and over, answering the questions from a different perspective. Enjoy!!

Here is the format:
Line 1: Your first name only __________________
Line 2: Four adjectives that describe you ________
Line 3: Sibling of ___________________________
Line 4: Lover of ____________________________
Line 5: Who fears __________________________
Line 6: Who needs _________________________
Line 7: Who gives __________________________
Line 8: Who would like to see _________________
Line 9: Resident of __________________________
Line 10: Last Name _________________________

Here's mine:
Optimistic, loyal, spiritual and creative 
Sibling of Camille 
Lover of life, God, family, friends and nature 
Who fears not getting the really important things done 
Who needs understanding, family, friends, and lots of books 
Who gives encouragement, and love 
Who would like to see everyone get along (and maybe see Europe)
Resident of the universe 
                                                    © 2016 Stephanie Abney

Now, there is an Instant Poetry Creator for this poem (referred to at that site as the "Portrait Poem"), using basically the same questions - with a few variations - you can go ahead and just answer how you want and then click on "Create my Portrait Poem Now!" And then you can just copy and paste your poem onto a doc, your FB page or wherever you wish. HERE IS THE LINK: Autobiographical Portrait Poem Generator ~ ALSO note: at this site - there are TWO different fill in the blanks poetry generators - one for he's and one for she's so use the correct one. Cheers!! Have fun!!

PLEASE REMEMBER ~ any poetry found on this blog, written by me, is my personal property and may not be used without my permission, other than sharing it as an example in a lesson or to read it to someone. The same goes for any poems that are shared in the comments of this blog or elsewhere online as a result of this challenge. They are the creative property of the person who writes them. These poems are their original work and no one may use them without their permission. It is understood that they own the copyright for to them as soon as they post them. Thanks so much!

Also, if you choose to post your poems on your own blog ~ that’s awesome. But PLEASE don’t just copy and paste my daily instructions, but rather post your poem on your blog or you FB wall or wherever AND LINK BACK TO THIS BLOG POST for others to come here to read the instructions. I’ve spent considerable time researching the poetry forms and writing them up to share with you. Thanks for respecting my work. 

1 comment:

Heidi L. Murphy said...

I'm only doing one "I am" poem so it's on my blog at
I love your poems, Stephanie! And thank you so much for taking the time to do this every April. It's a labor of love.