LAST DAY OF "30 Poems in 30 Days" ~ If you’ve been following all month (April – “National
Poetry Month”) along on this blog, you have seen the work of only 3 or 4 brave
souls who have posted their poetry here in the comments of my blog, but we also
have a FB Poetry group where lots of poetry has been posted. It occurs to me
NOW on the last day of Poetry Month that I should have been including a link to
the group with each post – I’ll try to go back and add that in for those who
find these posts at other times of the year.
I have also received poems via
email from a couple of participants and lots of those who joined us this year
regularly post their poems on their own blogs and/or their personal or author
FB pages so the results of this month-long poetry challenge “30 poems in 30
days” are evidenced all over the place.
It has been so enjoyable and very gratifying to me to
read the poems from those who participated. So much talent out there and I
think, once again, I have proven my point that ANYONE can learn to write
poetry. Thanks for joining me this year and I hope to see y’all back next year
and bring your friends!!
The FB group is a “closed group” but anyone can request
to join – and it is available to post in at any time. We’ve gotten to know one
another there and would love to hear any of your good news and certainly you
are free to post any poetry that you write throughout the year there to share
with the group despite the name of the group being “A Month of Poetry ‘30 Poems in 30 Days’ April #National Poetry Month.”
So, for today, the last day of National Poetry Month, I’d love to hear your comments on what this has brought to you. What have you
learned? What did you love? What frustrated you (if anything)? Did you discover
you were a poet and didn’t even know it?
Feel free to share that here on this blog and/or in our
FB poetry group.
And today’s challenge? Choose a favorite poetic form that we have worked on this month and
surprise us!!
It has been my pleasure to lead this challenge (this is my 7th year doing so) and my privilege to have a front-row seat to your creative efforts. Cheers!!
It has been my pleasure to lead this challenge (this is my 7th year doing so) and my privilege to have a front-row seat to your creative efforts. Cheers!!
PLEASE REMEMBER ~ any poetry found on this blog, written by me, is my personal
property and may not be used without my permission, other than sharing it as an
example in a lesson or to read it to someone. The same goes for any poems that
are shared in the comments of this blog or elsewhere online as a result of this
challenge. They are the creative property of the person who writes them. These
poems are their original work and no one may use them without their permission.
It is understood that they own the copyright to them as soon as they post them.
Thanks so much!
Also, if you choose to post your poems on your own blog ~ that’s
awesome. But PLEASE don’t just copy and paste my daily instructions, but rather
post your poem on your blog or your FB wall or wherever AND LINK BACK TO THIS
BLOG POST for others to come here to read the instructions. I’ve spent
considerable time researching the poetry forms and writing them up to share
with you. Thanks for respecting my work and the creative work of others.
Photo credit: Pixabay