Monday, April 22, 2019

Day 22 – “If-You-Were” Poem for #NationalPoetryMonth and "30 poems in 30 days"

This is a fun little poetry form called “If-You-Were

This is actually a quatrain (4 lines) in which the last sound of lines 2 and 4 rhyme, giving it the following rhyming pattern: a•b•c•b.

But no required meter – no counting syllables. J

It also has two metaphors (remember, a “metaphor” is a "figure of speech" in which a term or phrase is applied to something which is not literally applicable in order to draw a comparison).

A metaphor is NOT the same as a simile. A simile uses the word like or as in order to make a comparison, whereas metaphors use is or are. So if you say “If I were” or “If you were” and name a thing (noun), it is a metaphor.

A sample sentence using a simile:
            Your hair is like golden flax.

Here is basically the same sentence but used as a metaphor:
            Your hair is golden flax.

So, there’s a little grammar lesson for ya’ – sorry, it’s the teacher in me.

OK, back to the instructions

Line 1: start with: “If you were” and then add a metaphor.

Line 2: start with “And I were" and then add your second metaphor.

Lines 3 & 4 ~ tell something you could do together and make sure that line 4 rhymes with line 2. That's it! Simple!

I learned about this little poetic form created by Charles Ghinga by perusing his site. Here is what he has to say about it (taken from his “Father Goose Blog” with his permission) ~ "How to Write a Poem" ~ you need to scroll down until to get to this poetry form: 

          “I created the If-You-Were poem many years ago to help introduce children to the  
         magic of metaphor. The If-You-Were poem is simple and fun. It invites you to  
         compare yourself to something and to compare your friend to something else.”

And if you go to his page, you can find three more example poems, as well as several other fun and simple poetry forms for all ages, especially children. 


If you were a flower blossom
And I were a bumble bee,
I’d drink of your nectar
And make honey, you see.
                        © 2019 Stephanie Abney

If you were a candle
And I were a match,
I’d light your wick brightly
And some shadows we’d catch.
                        © 2001 Stephanie Abney

Yeah, these are both pretty lame. I can’t wait to read your far better examples! Have fun! Cheers!!

PLEASE REMEMBER ~ any poetry found on this blog, written by me, is my personal property and may not be used without my permission, other than sharing it as an example in a lesson or to read it to someone. The same goes for any poems that are shared in the comments of this blog or elsewhere online as a result of this challenge. They are the creative property of the person who writes them. These poems are their original work and no one may use them without their permission. It is understood that they own the copyright for them as soon as they post them. Thanks so much!

Also, if you choose to post your poems on your own blog ~ that’s awesome. But PLEASE don’t just copy and paste my daily instructions, but rather post your poem on your blog or your FB wall or wherever AND LINK BACK TO THIS BLOG POST for others to come here to read the instructions. I’ve spent considerable time researching the poetry forms and writing them up to share with you. Thanks for respecting my work.

Photo credit: Thomas Schiewer at Pixabay (flower & bee)


Heidi L. Murphy said...

Good morning! Here are my poems:

Connie Cockrell said...

I had to resort to a rhyming site but I managed to get some done. Here's one.

If you were the sky,
And I were a cloud,
The picture we’d make,
No smoke allowed.