Friday, April 3, 2020

Day 3 ~ How to write a Rainbow Poem for #NationalPoetryMonth - "30 poems in 30 days"

Day 3 ~ How to write a Rainbow Poem for #NationalPoetryMonth - "30 poems in 30 days"

The first two days of National Poetry Month have been awesome!! I hope anyone reading this post will join in the fun!! When I taught school I loved to highlight “special” days – basically, “National Days” – I would write what “day” (or days) we were celebrating up in the corner of the whiteboard and I would often have some of their work feature things about that day or the thing that was being celebrated, especially writing assignments. 

TODAY, April 3rd, is “National Find A Rainbow Day,” among other things, such as: National Walking Day, Pony Express Day, Paraprofessional Appreciation Day, National Film Score Day, and Pony Express Day. 

There are a few templates for writing about rainbows that school teachers often use, especially an Acrostic Poem where you write the word “rainbow” down the left side of the paper and each line must begin with the letter on the left. 

Or you can name each of the colors in order and say something about the color or what it reminds you of, using either similes or metaphors. (A simile uses the word ‘like’ or ‘as’ in order to make a comparison, whereas metaphors use ‘is’ or ‘are.’)

OR, ya’ can just go rogue on us and use free verse (which some of you are chomping at the bit to do). I generally focus on a particular poetic form each day in order to “teach” that form and to encourage people who shy away from poetry that it actually is easy to write if you are following a pattern. But today – how about sharing your thoughts on rainbows using any type of poem you want? And tomorrow we will get back to some set poetic formulas.

If you name each color, don’t forget your “ROY G. BIV” you learned as a kid:


Here are a couple of examples or, go ahead and use free verse ~

Reaching across the sky
Announcing God’s Promise
Is a glorious rainbow
Never again will He flood the earth
Blessings are waiting just
Over the rainbow
Wait and see

                      © 2020 Stephanie Abney

Red is strong, like the safety of your arms
Orange is exciting, like the dawning of a new day
Yellow is soft, like a downy new chick
Green is for growth, like a plant bursting through the dirt
Blue is forever, like the ocean
Indigo is spiritual, like the conviction to do what is right
Violet is peaceful, like a newborn babe looking into your eyes

                                       © 2020 Stephanie Abney

What comes to mind when you see a rainbow?

This is the link to our FB group – just ask to join:

PLEASE REMEMBER ~ any poetry found on this blog, written by me, is my personal property and may not be used without my permission, other than sharing it as an example in a lesson or to read it to someone. The same goes for any poems that are shared in the comments of this blog or elsewhere online as a result of this challenge. They are the creative property of the person who writes them. These poems are their original work and no one may use them without their permission. It is understood that they own the copyright to them as soon as they post them. Thanks so much! 

Also, if you choose to post your poems on your own blog or FB page ~ that's awesome. But PLEASE don't just copy and paste my daily instructions, but rather post your poem on your blog of FB wall or wherever and LINK BACK TO THIS BLOG POST for others to come here to read the instructions. I've spent considerable time researching the poetry forms and writing them up to share with you. Thanks for respecting my work. 


Vicki said...

Day 3-National Find A Rainbow Day

When I see a red, red rose, it reminds me to show love
Or an orange sunset tells me to share joy
Flowers of yellow guide me to help others to be happy
The green grass of Spring reminds me there is a promise of rebirth
The sky so blue encourages me to be hopeful
An indigo night sky helps me to comfort others
And violets show me that all things on earth are from God.

Whitney said...

Reaches for the Sky,
Always a reminder,
In Love if God’s promise,
Never to flood again.
Blessings flow ever around us
on our Blessed Earth,
Water as Rain, then comes the Rainbow.

Red as my bread baking pans
Oranges like “Green Eggs and Ham”
Yellow like a ducky water bottle
Green as the pen that penned this poem
Blue as my son’s favorite color.
Indigo like my curtain to hide our trash cans
Violet as the Iris flowers that remind me of mother.

And my daughter wrote:
Ruth Ann
I love you
Nobodies business
Bitty baby
Over the rainbow
World wide

And she also did:
Red as a Rainbow
Orange as oranges
Yellow as your smile
Green as grapes
Blue as the sky
Indigo as grapes
Violet as violet light.

Heidi L. Murphy said...

My two are here:
Have a lovely day!


Rain, before or after, brings the rainbow.
A sign, some say, of a pot of gold.
Interest as a child, brought speculation.
Near, it always seemed to be just out of reach.
Bending, closer and closer to the earth.
Out of reach no matter where we ran.
Wet, laughing, no gold for us.