I guess I've always had a lot to say... hopefully you
will find things here that uplift, encourage and even
entertain. Why? Because "Stephanie Says So"
The Waterfall Concept: A Blueprint for Addiction Recovery by Roger Stark, Silver Star Publishing, 192 pages, $19.95
This is a fabulous book!! No matter what habits or addictions steal your time and/or your happiness, you can find the tools in this book to be extremely useful. I'll post my more detailed review for my regular Book Review blog once I get permission from MormonTimes.com ~ in the meantime, you can follow the link and read it there. Then I would love it if you came back here and left a comment and then followed the last link to Deseret News where you can leave comments and leave one there as well. Thanks so much!!
Roger Stark's own journey of recovery gave him the desire to become an addiction counselor. Now he shows others the way to healing through one-on-one counseling, at recovery retreats and in his new book, "The Waterfall Concept: A Blueprint for Addiction Recovery." Read the Complete Book Review at Deseret News
~Some of the books I review are given to me by the author or the publisher, some I have purchased myself, some are gifts and some I get at the library. All books, regardless of how I came to read them, get my honest opinion. I also reserve the right to refuse books for review at my own discretion. Just thought you might like to know. (However, in the future, I expect most of my reviews will be on my book review blog: Stephanie's Book Reviews & Author Interviews)
I'm a writer, and observer of life. I grew up in Southern CA, graduated from Hollywood High School and met my sweetheart in a snowball fight at BYU. I love my remarkable and growing family (great husband, Jim, married in 1970; 5 kids - 4 living - 18 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren)!!