Monday, April 9, 2012

"All About Me"

Here’s a fun little poem I think you will enjoy – I do believe poetry comes from the heart – but there is more than one way to reach into your heart. Questioning is always helpful in finding things out. Sometimes, when we answer questions, we find things out about ourselves we had not given much thought to before. So, this poem is called "All About Me" ~ just answer the questions and voila’ ~ you've created a poem!! Pretty cool and tonz’ of fun, especially with kids.

The “All About Me” poem can be deep and insightful or fun and silly. You can do it over and over, answering the questions from a different perspective. Enjoy!!

Here is the format:
Line 1: Your first name only __________________
Line 2: Four adjectives that describe you ________
Line 3: Sibling of ___________________________
Line 4: Lover of ____________________________
Line 5: Who fears __________________________
Line 6: Who needs _________________________
Line 7: Who gives __________________________
Line 8: Who would like to see _________________
Line 9: Resident of __________________________
Line 10: Last Name _________________________

Here’s mine:
Happy, curious, loyal, creative
Sibling of Camille
Lover of life, the Lord, Jim, my kids, grandkids, my friends and nature
Who fears not getting the really important things done
Who needs understanding and lots of books
Who gives the best she has to offer
Who would like to see everyone get along
Resident of the universe

 Okay, now it’s YOUR TURN!! Have fun!


Erica said...

loud,creative, metaphoric,kind
Sibling of Becca, James,Chelsea
Lover of Numkene, my kids, knowledge, kindness, perspective,gospel
Who fears not being good enough
Who needs her bills paid so her only worry is being creative
Who gives everything she is to the things she loves
Who would like to see education and community be the only priority
Resident of the planet earth and the plan of salvation

Vicki said...

Happy, Spiritual, Friendly, Helpful
Sibling of Dolly,David, Valerie, and Jamie
Lover of reading, writing, peaceful times
Who fears not getting things done
Who needs lots of love and attention!
Who gives Everything I can to the things I do!
Who would like to see my children all be happy
Resident of The World

Heidi L. Murphy said...

creative, intrepid, wacky, intelligent
Sibling of Janelle, Lisa, Jarl, Juliana, and Chris
Lover of Lon
Who fears not being prepared
Who needs support
Who gives service
Who would like to see Christ
Resident of the desert

Anonymous said...

determined, honest to a fault, loving, God fearing
Sibling of Patti, Tommy, Elenda and David
Lover of fresh cut grass and grandchildren
Who fears change and not succeeding
Who needs to be healthy and strong
Who gives and loves to serve
Who would like to see what I could get done if I had my grandchildren's energy.
Resident of Naples, Florida

Stephanie Abney said...

LOVE THESE!! It was fun, wasn't it? Glad you all participated. Hope we get some more!! Cheers!!